Personal Growth Can Be Very Costly

 Now when it comes to personal growth, we need to also recognize that personal growth can be very costly. It is not something that just happens at no cost. There are so many different types of costs; financial cost is just one aspect of the various types of costs that may be necessary for you to improve on, so for example, you could even have relational cost; sometimes you may have to leave certain relationships, friendships or certain people that are not good for you. For example, if you are setting a goal that you want to quit smoking and yet all your friends are heavy smokers, quitting entirely will be difficult and you want to improve in that area as well as your health so you need to basically be careful of some of the friends that you may have around you or some of the relationships. Sometimes it may cost you certain relationships but financial cost is the very obvious one you might need to pay.

You also have time costs. It can require a lot of time for you to improve in certain areas. Whereas before you could just get up and sit behind the TV for two hours watching your favorite TV shows, all of a sudden you may not have that time because perhaps you need to spend more time reading in a particular area or actually listening to certain podcasts. There are so many different things when it comes to costs so keep thinking about the cost; are you ready to do what is required for you to grow and have that desired goal that you have desired for a long time?

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