Wednesday, October 16, 2024

If we aspire to influence more and more people or to command greater value, then growth is something that we cannot and must not do without.So when it comes to growth, one of the absolute fundamentals we need to understand is that every single one of us have set of seeds trapped inside of us and these seeds can include your gifts, talents and often times, these seeds are not really worked on.

The same way that we would find it abnormal for a five-year-old child to be at the same size as a typical ten month old baby, we also need to find it abnormal if we do not grow at all within the space of 5, 10, or even in the space of 20 years. We should find it quite abnormal and concerning if we are not growing daily, therefore we need to give attention to the areas of our lives that have been neglected for a long time which are critical. We are all different so personal growth requires a high sense of self-awareness.

I remember the late Dr. Myles Monroe, someone I admired a lot, he used to say this lot that the wealthiest place on earth is not in the gold and diamond mines and all these other mines where there are so many great natural resources.  What he was saying was that the wealthiest place on earth is actually in the cemetery it’s is in fact because in the cemetery is where you have lots and lots of unfulfilled potentials and realities, so many people go to their grave with so many ‘could have been’ right and ‘should have been’ which never happened and so I want you to start thinking about certain areas of your life that are critical which you have neglected for some time and have not really given much attention to. When it comes to growth, we grow in so many different areas so for example, if you want to grow in your career, if you want to become a manager, if you aspire to become a director or even a CEO one day, one of the things that you need to do is to grow in the skill sets and the competencies that are required to fill in those positions. It requires growth if you want to become a better person that people will like. One thing that you need to work on is your character so improve on your character as a person if you perhaps want to become a better parent or you want to become a better spouse.  An area to focus on could be improving in the area of relationships, what are the key principles that are required, what are the necessary actions that are needed to be taken in order for us to become better in our relationships. There are so many different areas by which we can grow. There is so much room so it is not just in the area of our careers or business but it affects every single aspect of our lives but we need to bear in mind that growth activity is not the same as growth. For example, someone can be working very hard every single week, your day is full of task after task and yet at the end of the week, month, or year, you may not have grown at all because activity is not the same as growth. Activities are just basically you getting things done whereas growth looks at capacity and improvement.

 So when it comes to growth, it requires you putting a plan in place for you to be able to grow effectively.