Saturday, October 12, 2024

With disappointment, comes discouragement. It leads to discouragement, now why did I say that this is a major killer, because when disappointment sets in and we don’t deal with it appropriately, what happens is that we move from a high level of dopamine to a very low one all of a sudden because your brain reacts differently so when you’re discouraged it becomes very difficult to even have the strength to do that which you were desiring to do. So, discouragement is basically when there is a loss of confidence about something good happening and I’m sure everyone can relate to it.  When discouragement is not dealt with properly, it becomes difficult to pick ourselves up, it becomes difficult for us to even see hope in the future.

When someone falls into that state of despair, life becomes so doom and gloom. They don’t see possibilities anymore but if you stay down, you cannot have any chance whatsoever in finishing the race. You can fall down, but you need to make sure that you don’t stay down, that’s the difference. Make sure that you put in place certain mechanisms, take certain steps that will get you to get back up because those who stay down are completely out of the race. If you stay down, there is no chance whatsoever of you actually making a success of your life, family, career, studies, business, or whatever it may be so it’s very important that we begin to think about this thing now.

It requires a very high level of self-awareness to be able to deal with discouragement well. The more you are aware of yourself, the quicker it is for you to take steps to come out of discouragement and disappointment. It’s very difficult for you to take steps towards your desired goals and desired future if you are down and completely out of the race.

If you look at the word discourage, you’ve got ‘dis’ and you’ve got ‘courage’. So discouragement is when ‘Mr. dis’ decides to come and take your courage away from you being able to fulfill your goals, plans, vision, the things that you desire to accomplish.

If you’re discouraged, the likelihood of you getting up and actually retrieving what has been stolen or lost is zero. However, someone who is encouraged will be able to get up and at least make an effort to be able to get back what has been stolen. So with encouragement, you can take back lost ground and even opportunities that you thought were completely gone. We need to know how to come out of discouraging situations and make sure that we don’t stay discouraged for a long time because the longer you stay in there, the longer your goals are being delayed from actually coming to pass.